11 aug 2014
Behind our home we have farmland and a big nature area.
In that area we created our space to search for UFO's late in the evening.
That area became our regular UFO hotspot.
On 11 aug i was alone in that area testing out my new camera.
I was not even one minute on that area, i just had my camera ready on my tripod.
Then this object came out of no where.
It was that white star looking object what been flying above our head this hole year.
I cant even count how many times we saw this object.
But only now with a deacent camera we can record and show to others what we see with our naked eye.
Because its just strange to see a star fly.
And its even more strange when that star fly excatly above your head.
And whats even worse he does that sometimes two times in one night!!!!!!
Yes two times and one another day three times.
Well wich satelite comes on low altitude and fly excatly above my head.
And when am home, then he fly above my home on low altitude.
So on that moment when that object came out of no where ,i did not know what to think.
But i was not afraid.
I just grab the camera and start filming.
I thought no matter what will happend, am a witness of my own actions and i will take every responsibility what comes out of that.
I dont know what this thing is or why he is flying above our head, but he is there alright.
He first come with a dimmed light, then slowly the light is getting bigger.
When he was excatly above my head,the light was getting brighter and it look like he stopped for a second.
But am not sure of that.
I tryed to look directly above me and i tryed to record the camera, so i missed the object with the camera but never missed it with my eyes.
I wanted to see what it will do and what his intentions are and most important thing was, i need to find out what the hell that object is.
Its not a star, stars cant fly with the speed of airfraft.
Its not the ISS, because he fly low.
I saw this object once 20 meter above the ground, yes 20 meters!!
And it was the same 100%.
And he fly two times within 30 minutes or so.
Out of focus was off.
At one point he was going in direction of the moon, so then i put the camera on the moon and on the object.
Thats to see how the speed was of the object.
The thing is i know its not a star.
Thats what it look like with the naked eye.
And if hat object is very in the sky then its easily to mistaken with a star.
But on 400 meter altitude or something, its easy to see that its something else.
It must be a airplane, or helicopter then.
But wich airplane or helicopter we have what look like a star?
We dont have that if am correct.
And when you look at the frameshots,then you see its not a star.
Its something else.
Take a look.

Does this look like a star, helicopter,airplane,balloon?
These are frameshots, i did nothing with it.
Here is the video and see for yourself.
I removed the sound because i was talking alot.
But if someone wants to analyzing it, then they will hear that am telling that this object is here for the second time in that evening and am yelling a bit and talking crap. lol
Yes the encounter is amazing, i cant descibe what i feel but i know its real alright.
There is something out there and it dont look violent at all.
I was there alone on that evening if he wanted to do something, i would have been gone or lost time.
But nothing, he just made his light more brigher when he was above me.
That doesent look violent to me, it look more like reaching out to me on a universal way.
By making his light brighter excatly above me might be his way to say, Hello, without scaring me with there present.
Just a thought.
But i think we will see more of this object.
Stay tuned...
Stay tuned...