The truth has not one story, it has many sides.
Like a diamond you can view it from different sides and still see the beauty in it.
That makes the truth one of the most complicated issues in our time.
Because what is the truth?
Is the truth in one book or online somewhere?
Can you download it, buy it or is the goal for the truth to find it?
And that is what this page is all about.
Truthfinder is one section of Project white star what share publications of what we as a group see as the truth.
It is our right to find our own and that makes it our right to share what we see as the truth.
Or do we need to w8 for science to find the truth and then explain it in there way what they think is best?
Well you can do that if you want but we choose to do it different.
We notice that media only share what they think is best.
Or did you ever hear on the news that someone reported a UFO?
I don't think so.
Unless many people witness something and that is just once in a life time.
Compare to the daily sightings we have,then we can conclude media don't give attention about UFOs.
I don't think they don't like it, but i sincerely think that a few people choose what news can reach the headlines and what not.
And then the people needs to accept what a few persons wants what the news would be
Do you think that is fair?
Is the pain of someone in the western world more important then someone in a third world country?
Are the woman in third world country lower in value then in western country's?
Or why are we even paying for a house,health care or education or food?
You did not asked to be born right?
And we need to sleep and eat to live, we need health care if we are sick and we need to educate our self if we want to develop our minds.
Those things supposed to be for every human on this planet, and should not depend on if you have the money for it.
Money just paper to control others or to get what you want.
And if you don't have it, then you are forced to do what others want or you will not survive.
DO you really think that was the plan with humans from nature?
I don't think so.
I see money as a hangover from the past, when people were ignorant.
And the people who have the knowledge to make money are using that to keep people ignorant for there own goods.
For excample Tesla had develop free energy, what would give any living soul free energy
Everyone and its for free.
Well look around you and do you see free energy?
And Tesla lived more then 100 years ago.
SO WTF hap pend between those years.
Why am still getting an energy bill every month?
Because they want money.
Just like health care.
We are paying for getting better??
Just think about that, you pay money to get better?
And you think that is normal?
It is normal because we grow up with that knowledge.
And do you what kind of salary the doctors get or hospitals or the management of insurance company's?
We are big business for them.
I remember a news flash of a situation about medical prices.
A company in the US complained about a company in India.
Because the company in India sell the same medicine but then with a different price.
The price from the company of India cost 150 dollars and the price from the US was 50000 dollars.
And then they complain????
Do you see my point here, something is not right here.
How come that company complain?
He should laughed his lungs out for the medicines he already sold for 50000 dollars, but no he complains.
Its not fair they said?
That is just insane, how the fuck can they say its not fair?
Sorry to say fuck but come on.
Or what do you think about our world security.
The hole world is talking about the middle east, and then not even what is really important in the middle east.
For example, we all grow up with the troubles Israel has with Palestine.
Don't come with, hhm whats going on there??
No you know, because every time we see something about that in the news.
Every week at least once.
And the only thing we see is, a land struggle to stay alive while another country is holding the grip on it.
With building walls around the people and keep them in a big prison.
Because they want a Jewish state??
And that is the problem of that area.
People need to think out of the box, not in the box.
There are no races between people, there are only people who think different and look different.
You don't need to be Einstein to do that.
Its just a state of mind to think that we are this or that or what ever.
Its just a hangover from the past when people were ignorant for the truth.
Now we don't need be ignorant anymore, now we can share information with who ever we want.
And share your opinion on the internet.
For that reason i started this page, its a review for upcoming new messages about what we as a group see as the truth and want to share that with others.
This can be information about news, or new tips to help with meditate or information regard knowledge of the past.
One important aspect of Truthfinder is a store with different books of what i personally had chosen what might enlighten anyone with knowledge.
And many publications about health care, money, education, news, knowledge and paranormal issues will be posted on our blog weekly.
Visit our story here