7 april 2014 Netherlands
Around ten o clock in the evening we stood at our regular hotspot.
Then i saw a bright light flying low above the trees.
i saw that object many times.
He always come flying as a big bright light, then when it get closer the light configuration get changed.
Then it look like an airplane from the point of view with your naked eyes.
Only when you zoom in you can see the details of that object.
And i saw that object in many videos on youtube, only from different angle and range.
But i dont see zoomed in frameshots of that object, and then you wount see whats needed to see.
And from a distance this object be anything right.
So il put the zoomed in frameshots of this object, then we can see the details better.
Keep in mind this footage is recorded with my sony dcr-sx34 camcorder with 60 optical zoom.
Digital zoom is out in this footage, and focus was off.
The object first come like this.
And zoomed in.
Then when i zoom in slowly the light configuration get changed.
The thing is, i saw many arguments about those objects who come flying with a big light.
Some said thats because of the distance, then the first two lights get combined to one light.
And thats what people see, is one of those arguments.
I wil not go in all and only talk about this argument.
The truth is, there is no airplane with two big lights on his front what can emerged to one light.
I dont think we have that.
So on the next pictures you can see what that big light is.
And zoomed in.
The more i get closer the more details you can see, logic right.
But can you reconize the details?
And for that reason i put a zoomed in picture from every picture.
And zoomed in.

And the next.
And zoomed in.

The more closer i get ,the more i realize i dont reconize this at all.
And zoomed in.
And the next.
Zoomed in.
And next.
Starting to reconize something in these pictures?
Because i dont but it wil get worse.
Andmore pictures with zoomed in screenshots.
Zoomed in.
Thi picture is the same but i made it sharper.
And more
And more.
Zoomed in.
And this is the same but made sharper.
The next
And next
And next
Zoomed in
And made sharper
Then the light configuration of that object get changed again.
And it transformed in something complete different.
Here are zoomed in screenshots
So this is the same object changing light configuration while its flying in one fly path.
Slowly to one direction, no sound.
I removed the sound of the video, but there is no sound from that object.
You can see the same object in other videos and there he dont make a sound also.
But another object came down to the ground.
Here are zoomed in screenshots of that object.
So it is as how it is.
The first object fly above our head and the smaller object came on the ground behind me.
Might have been 400 meters behind me.
It came down on a lake.
Moved from left to right and then fly away in high speed on the video.
Its all in the video.
Check here for more details.