When i record this video this object look like the regular objects whats flying around here.
But after analysing the footage i notice that this object is the same as the white star UFO.
The only difference is that it show more of his structure.
The object is bigger then what it looks like.
I recorded the object for a couple of minutes.
And because of that i could get a better look of the lights configuration of that object.
Its complete different then any other regular airplane or helicopter or drone and it wount come near a balloon.
The object first come as this.

Then light configuration is changed and then he look like this.
Then he look like this.

This was one of those sightings that this craft showed different light configurations in one video.
He came up like a bright light, then more lights came up.
The last lights configuration i see the most on video.
If you look fast at the video,then you would think its a helicopter.
And i think thats the brilliant part of them is to trick our brains to pretend to be a helicopter.
But you wount see that with the naked eye.
You need a better camera for that with extra zoom.
I used a sony hdr-xr155 camcorder with 25 optical zoom and 300 digital zoom.
And i saw that he was not far away from my.
Check the video for more details.
ufo fly low above the city by projectwhitestar