29 aug 2014
Every clear night we can see stars in the night sky.
Some are planets or other space entities.
But also another object is in the night sky.
With the naked eye that object look like a star.
Because it dont move and it shine like a star.
But it issent a star.
The colours are chaning alot and it dont look like a star.
Or the object is on a very low altitude.
At first when i notice these stars i thought that maybe the star is not on a low altitude and it only look like that because of the horizon.
And this theory is possible when the other stars and the moon is also on a low altitude.
But when you see all other stars very high in the night sky and he is the only one on a low altitude.
Then its different.
And thats excatly the point i want to show here.
There are objects hanging around on every clear night and vanish in the morning.
And yes stars also do that.
But they dont look like stars at all, in fact they have shape and structure.
And there are details about a unknown structure in the background.
And in some frameshots it almost look like there are figures inside the star.
So am not sure what this is.
But i do know that its not a airplane, or helicopter or drone or balloon.
Because it dont move at all, but it look like its rotating.
So when i saw this i change my camcorder to photo camera and made some pictures first.
Here are the a few pictures taken on photo camera stand on my camcorder.
Below every picture is a zoomed in version.
First picture.
Second picture.
Third picture.
Fourth picture
Next picture
Sixt picture
Seven picture
After making a few pictures i switch my camera back to video, the light of the camera and details changed alot.
Here is a screenshot of one frame of the video.
And its beautiful to see but its a lot of work to paste them here, so i put them in one compilation.
And here is the video ,then maybe you can get better pictures out of it.
fake stars UFO in the night sky on 29 aug 2014 by projectwhitestar
So i can pretend that this is just a star or this is what ever we humans can make or a nature phenonemon.
But then i will just ignore the facts.
The true is that this object or what ever it is, is here behind my home every night when the sky is clear.
And there are more, its not only one.
This post is only about this one.
And i never counted them, but i think there are alot of up there.
I once recorded 5 or 6 in a row on a different location.
What they are or whos's controling them might be something what the future will reveal to us.
Until then il keep searching for the truth.
Stay tuned!