13 aug 2014
On the evening of 13 aug 2014, i was looking at a star right behind our house.I could not make out of it if that was a star or something else.
One minut later a orange light apear below that star.
Those lights can be seen as wish lamps, if they would stay orange or red.
But not this one.
This object kept his colours for a few minutes but then the orange light vanish.
The interesting factor about this object is that it was changing colours.
Once a while the red colour vanished and comes back again.
The core of the object is white/ yellow.
But the red/orange lights can easily be seen as wishlamps.
Here in the Netherlands almost every report about red/orange lights are dismissed as wishlamps.
And i understand why.
Because in most of the videos these lights are far away from the camera man.
The only thing visible in the video is a red/orange dot of light.
And that can be anything right?
Thats the problem with the red orbs phenonemon.
Nobody cant prove what they are or agree on what they are not.
And not every red/orange lights are the same.
Maybe some are realy wishlamps and some not.
But in my video i dont think its a wishlamp.
It must be something else, what it is i dont know.
It dont look like a drone, helicopter or airplane.
For excample look at this frameshots.
I zoomed in four times of the first picture.
And as you can see this dont look like balloon, drone,helicopter or airplane.
So i cant speak for all the red lights sightings around the world, but in this video the object seemed something else then an airplane, balloon, drone or helicopter.
Here is another frame what i zoomed in two times.
As you can see with the red light dimmed, the shape issent normal.
It look like the core of the object is white, but i cant said what is around the light.
Its just look weird.
Check on these zoomed in frameshots.
From my point of view this can only be one thing, and that is a UFO nothing else.
I dont know anything with a structure or lights like this object what is men made.
It is possible that this is man made and that i dont know we made this.
But why would they fly real low above the city on a clear night?
And why it look so weird??
Look at these zoomed in pictures met digital zoom.
All these pictures are from the same object, yes thats right the same object.
And this object fly many times over the city and in different colours.
Mostly white but sometimes in red/orange colours.
Here is the video.
Orange/red orb UFO changed to airplane in FULL HD, recorded with sony HDR xr155 camcorder in Netherland by projectwhitestar