NEW SOCIAL NETWORK like facebook

I started a network on a new social and free network called the TSU.
It has many good features, allot better than facebook if you ask me.
But in there i created a network and am focusing on sky watchers to join me in there.
In fact everyone can register and open a new account and share what you want to share.
The best thing to do is to create your own content and share it in that network.
Search for the people who like similar things as you, and then share what you got.
From my point of view am looking for skywatchers to join me or anyone else who like this subject.
Debunker's dont get any chance at all in that network.
Anyone can remove them from the spot, or they are forced to work within the network and make it even bigger.
It's a win situation.
We all can share our videos and pictures and we can close the door for debunker s, or they must cooperate in that network.
And they can only like, share or stay silenced.
You can also choose to let them use comments but then they are only making the network bigger lol.
So this is perfect my friends.
Another good thing is, it is easier to create events.
In a way that members can work with each other to achieve some goals.
Like for example, everyone will get a bank account in that account.
And from that account, you can send money to other members.
Like members who create events or other charity, or if people just want support.
And that is what most of the sky watchers need.
We need support.
We need better cameras, or software or professionals who can work with the footage.
And that cost money and time, and many have time but not the money.
And there for the worldwide investigation get slowed down.
We should work smarter and wiser and work with each other.
The TSU network gives us all a chance to create networks and then earn money from it.
And we dont do it for the money, but why would we let the big company s earn money from the work we do???
Then we might as wel earn from it right??
That is the hole concept of this network, to share content and to share revenue of that content.
Its nice and perfect and will bring this social network status to a hole another level.
If you want to join the network, click on the picture.