27 aug 2014.
Besides the strange lights and objects flying around, i have notice something else in the sky and on the ground.
With the naked eye its impossible to see.
The only thing what we see is something shining for a mili sec and its gone.
Because of this we think that our mind is playing tricks with us.
Or that we see something shining in the sky because we look in to a bright light of the moon or other stars or streetlights.
Thats what we tell our sells and we believe it, because we cant prove that those bright lights maybe something else.
Well after analyzing hundreds of videos i saw something around the objects or in the sky.
I saw it when i was looking at each frames of a one of the footage.
Ive noticed that a bright spark was on one location and in the next frame its gone and somewhere else.
Or i saw more sparks on different locations on the screen.
First i thought maybe its just the light.
Or maybe its the camera.
Or maybe this or maybe that.
Until i saw that these bright sparks appear to be in almost every video.
And in some videos i saw those bright sparks in the crafts.
To make it clear what i mean,il post 10 frameshots taken after each other.

ufo analysis video by projectwhitestar
The thing is when you look at the pictures you wount see anything until i explane where to look.
You must look at those white sparks anywhere on those pictures.
For excample the first pictures is this.
And now i will zoom in on those parts i want to show here.
First this one.
Am talking about those white figure like objects.
Here same pictures but zoomed in.
These figures appear anywhere randomly everywhere!
I saw those bright sparks on the ground and in the air close to the bigger objects, or i saw them in the crafts.
I dont know what they are but it look like they are out there.
And i never heard anyone talk about this on the internet, so i have no idea what these things are.
And they really everywhere.
Il show you on the those frameshots i posted before.
I zoomed in on every frameshot and on every white object, to get a better view of these objects.
Keep in mind that am using only optical zoom in these frameshots.
And the lens is not dirty, and its a new camera.
Sony hdr-xr155 camcorder.
This is the second picture of one of those ten pictures from above.
frameshot 2
Now i zoom in.

Now i zoom in again.
And now same picture and only made it sharper.

As you can see we cant make out of it what this is.
This is what the camera makes out of it.
It might be possible that with the naked eye this look like a bright spark.
Because in the video i see this in every frame but different locations.
So it moved around alot.
The only thing what we might see with the naked eye is a just a bright spark for a split of a second.
Here are the other ten frameshots with zoomed in screenshots.
Frameshot 3
And zoomed in.

And same picture but then i made it sharper.

Ill put all other ten pictures here.
Frameshot 4

frameshot 5
Frameshot 6

Frameshot 8

Frameshot 9

Frameshot 10
And these objects or figures are not just only in this scene.
They are almost in every video.
Here are frameshots from other videos online or are not online yet.
These two below are with digital zoom on.
But the point is to show the figures a bit closer.
These frameshots below here are with optical zoom only.
The camcorder got 25 optical zoom.
But look good around the object.
As you can see these things are everywhere.
And these things look like something a friend of mine had a made a picture from.
A good friend of mine a have a big canon camera.
I dont know wich camera excatly but it has the night vision option in it.
He made randomly some pictures on the moment that we where at our regular UFO hotspot.
Here are the pictures he made.
First he made this.

Then i asked him to make a picture of an area where i saw lights.
Then he made this.

I really could make anything out of these pictures, i dont know what these are.
So i never thought about it.
And after thought about these pictures, i remembred another strange scenario that month.
I saw a few figures standing between the trees.
They stood there unhuman, real strange.
And they vanished real fast.
I manage to capture them on video, and here are some screenshots.
Here is the first.
And zoomed in.
And i made it sharper.
Here is another frameshot.
And more.

And the last one.

So these have something in common.
They all are fast or can vanish.
They all have similar things, but every frameshot here is taken with a different camera.
And all are recorded in the same area around my home and in the nature area behind my home.
I have no idea what they, and i will never say they are this or that.
I honestly dont know.
Am just showing what i recorded.
I did nothing with the footage and the chance is huge that many overlook this figure/object because its small.
And nobody aspect a flying what ever.
We all aspect to see crafts, airplanes, balloons helicopters or ufo like objects.
Nobody search for ghost like figures flying around the crafts, woods, above the houses or anywhere.
No, we dont think about that, until we look for them.
I cant say that these things are everywhere in the world, i can only talk about my area.
And the only thing i know for sure is, there is something out there and i dont know WTH that is.
But il keep searching for answers and post all updates here.
Stay tuned!