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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Skywatchers research


Skywatchers brings out UFO pictures and real UFO videos to prove that UFOs are real.

We bring out real UFO footage to show real UFO facts.
Many of the skywatchers do this because we all witness something we cant explain.
And they searched the internet for answers about this UFO phenomena.
Because we see unidentified flying objects flying around when the sky is clear.
And this is not only in our area, these UFO sightings are worldwide.
On many UFO websites the UFO sightings are coming in every day.
From flying saucers to orange lights in the sky.
The orange lights are the most UFOs people witness worldwide.

So te question if ufos ar real, is answered.
Now they need to be identified.
And for that reason many skywatchers worldwide are searching the skies for answers.
That means for many people worldwide they saw something and want to identified want they see.
I am one of the Skywatchers.
WHo saw and witness something i cant explain.
And what i saw answered the question that, we are not alone in the universe.
Not that they explained me who or what they are.
BUt the technology i saw in that craft was like science fiction.
Impossible to be man made.
The short close encounter we had triggered the search into the UFO phenomena.
On that moment we had 13 sec to look at a bright orange orb in short range while it fly pass our window.
And on one point it came as close as 10 meters and slowed down.
It was flying towards our window at home on nieuwyear.
And our family witness the ufo close encounter together.
We all were looking at it when it fly towards our window.
WHat we saw changed our lives forever.
And we dont drink or use drugs, we are non believers and finding the truth is our logic.
We only believe what we know, not what people try to learn us.
So that situation was like a wake up call.
Pandorra's box was opened and now there is no way back.
You cant unlearn what you find out.
You cant go back to sleep when your awake.

And am sure many other people who had UFO close encounters cant go back to sleep.
Even if they get threaten by mysterious people, or stalked by debunkers or even loose there social lives.
You cant forget something what you never seen before and only aspect to see in science fiction movies.
Not live.
That can be a shock for anyone.
For us it was no shock, it was more like.
We knew it!! lol
And what ever people said about that sighting, we dont care.
We know now that there is something out there we cant explain.
And that something is from another world or another dimension.
And why we think that?
Well there is a very simpel explination for it.

Right after 12 on nieuwjaar there was a massive sighting above the neighberhood.
Suddenly out of nothing many bright objects was flying around the firework and low above the houses.
They all seem to come from one direction and was all flying to one direction.
Sometimes they fly in a pair or solo and then you can see 2 or 3 randomly anywhere in the sky.
And many of them fly near the firework or stopped in midair because one fire arrow was not finish exploding yet.
So this when on and on that evening, but they were to far away to see a clear picture of them.
I only had a Philips camcorder with 5x zoom on that moment, totaly unprepared.
Then i got bored and said to my woman, we cant explain what we see here .
The only thing we can agree on that its a weird phenomena what we witness that day.
Until i see one action of them what can prove to me what they are.
And thunder can strick me three times if am lying now, because 30 seconds after i said those words.
One of them fly directly towards our window.
And it slowed down in speed.

Keep in mind that am talking about those bright objects flying around.
Now if you see a bright light very close in the dark then you will feel it in your eyes right?
But not with us.
Because the object adept his light to our view.
When the craft was flying to our window, and we stood there with a open window.
So the crafts slow down and it adept his light so we could see what it was.
That is intelligent behavior!

What would be the odds then you see something fly in the sky?
And what would be the odds that you see more of them fly together nearby?
And what would be the odds if one of them come closeby after you wish to see them closer?

Its like becareful what you wish for because your wishes might come true.
And thats what happend on that day.
We had a massive encounter right after 12, and one of these crafts came close.

And what we saw was amazing.
We saw colors moving in a unreal way.
This was no light as what we know.
What we saw in that craft was an energy what shyne light, and that energy was moving within each other.
It was in non stop movement.
Like some kind of plasma energy with beautiful colors moving within each other.
This is how the red/orange orbs look like closeby.
Because we saw it 10 meters away from us.
Yep that close, it was insane.
And the night was not over.
IN total that evening we witness UFOs fly over our home for more then two hours.
That means randomly they come.
Then one and five minutes later 2 or 4 and sometimes we saw more then 5 in the sky.
So they were not all the same.
Or they hover in a pair right behind my home.
That was the moment the craft fly pass our window.

So in fact that was our moment and triggered this all.
After that day until the day of today, we still see them.
And what we saw are on the videos of the Skywatchers.
For more details about our nieuwyear sighting.
Check here.